Today was, as Ice Cube said, a good day.
Today we cruised 55 miles at about 18-20mph the whole way. The road was flat, smooth, and the ocean beckoned like a candy bars in the grocery aisle.
We only stopped once. It was at this stopped we met an African-American and and Native American. We talked to them for about five minutes. They were painters from Homestead who talked to us about killing turtles and fishing. They were amazed by our ride and where we were going. They were genuine and bid us a safe test of the journey.
Flat farmland and swamps awaited. Nothing really going in except the road. We knocked it out in two 20+ pulls.
We had two hills- both bridges. And they were sweet. Finally, a chance to coast. We rolled down the last bridge into the visitors center and got a tip on a campground. We called and got the last campsite.
At the site we ran into some college-aged hippies who discussed with us elitism in the keys. They were nice Connecticut people and were the first people around or age we had see all trip. They were two for three on dreads (that's all star caliber).
We hit up the Pilot house for seafood and entertainment. We got both. A dude rocking a Fender Squire (a personal favorite of mine) shredded the strings while we ate some southern friend scallops and shrimp.
We stayed at the Pilot house for a little more libation and entertainment.
All in all, today was rather uneventful. Some good riding, so good in fact if you are trying to get your significant lady Oran friend to get into cycling this day and I assume the following would be a good route to follow.
Today was so good I didn't learn anything except the Floridians have signs that say don't dump rubbish or something.
We hit the poolside at the camp and lounged for a bit today. It was well needed, my knee is in fire.
We are staying at Kamp Key Largo. Get it it. Camp with a K. Witty. But the people are nice and it should ok over night.
Weather is supposed to drop below50 tonight and Phil and I have decided what clothes to burn to stay warm.
Hope everyone is cool and warm.
Sorry if today's entry was boring, we tried to make it exciting but this is what we got.
Knifes and weapons at the gas station.
The guys we met
Phil in the hammock at the campsite.
Me standing above the glass bottom bar (supposedly worlds famous). I want impressed.
Phil in front of the restaurant.
Keep L-I-V-I-N,
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ReplyDeleteStay safe young cousin, I enjoy your blogs.